RD Group has 12 fishing vessels that are operating under Philippines or PNG flag.
It was decided from 2010 onwards to gradually amend all older vessels and ice boats, into more modern hunting vessels. As a result of this, the fishing practice changed as well, as the focus became more toward hunting free schools of tuna instead of harvesting tuna in the presence of Fads. 

The use of Fads is known to have an increased rate of bycatch of small yellowfin and juvenile bigeye.  When fishing on free school tuna (without fads), we are targeting only adult fish.
By recruiting skilled captains, the rate of Free School caught tuna increased year by year. In 2019 our free school ratio was already almost 90% of total annual catch. 

RD Fishing even runs vessels with a 100% Free School Fishing trips. Working with an independent company using satellite monitoring and artificial intelligence, we are securing a third party independent guarantee of our 100% Free School Fishing techniques and to guarantee we are in compliance with all the national and international rules and regulations for fishing in the Western Pacific. (FAO 71 & 77)
